From Our Principal Mrs. Sheri Horner

Welcome to Akron Elementary School!

Mrs. Sheri Horner

Akron Elementary School is one of the four elementary schools in the Ephrata Area School District! The Akron Elementary School is located in the quaint community of Akron near Ephrata in Lancaster County. After the existence of the West Akron School, in the late 1800’s, the Akron Public School on 7th Street was acquired. In the academic year of 1953-54, this current school on Eleventh Street was built to house Kindergarten through grade eight. Renovations and additions were completed in 1963, ’87, ‘98, 2004, and 2015.  Our school has approximately 300 students in levels kindergarten through fourth grade. The large original, bronze, and copper bell dated 1888 from the tower of the original Akron Graded School stands proudly in the front lobby of Akron Elementary. Bells are utilized to signal or call others, well our bell is a symbol for all students that once they enter through the doors to Akron Elementary they will be learning and reaching new goals.

The Akron Elementary staff works as a team to meet the needs of all students. The teachers are dedicated and passionate about helping all children learn. We strive to make each school year filled with positive experiences and wonderful memories. 

Akron Elementary takes a proactive approach to ensuring a positive school climate and individual character building through the use of a School-Wide Positive Behavior System (SWPBS). We want all students to be displaying the character traits of an Ephrata Mountaineer.  Students receive daily positive reinforcement slips for exhibiting positive “Mounts” behavior: M-make good choices, O- organized and responsible, U-understanding of others, N-never gives up, T-tries his/her best, S-strives for excellence.  Our district has a Life-Ready Graduate profile. The profile consists of knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Being life-ready begin in kindergarten. Our students learn about the dispositions of growth mindset, integrity, responsibility, continual learning, and flexible thinking. We also focus on the skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. Caring for others and mentoring are present at our school.  Fourth graders are selected to be leaders in the school through the Student Assistant Team (S.A.T.) The S.A.T members are role-models to the younger students by showing integrity and compassion when helping others. Akron Elementary has high expectations for all its students and embraces the school mission statement “Achieving Success One Student at a Time.”

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Mrs. Sheri Horner became Principal of Akron Elementary School in January 2013. She joined the District in August 1995 as an elementary teacher. Mrs. Horner also served the District as an elementary math and science coach. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Millersville University and a Master of Education degree and Principal’s Certification from Penn State University.


Contact Info

Akron Elementary School
125 S 11th Street,
Akron, PA 17501
Phone: (717) 859-0400
Fax: (717) 859-2908

School Hours

Doors open: 8:45 AM
PMK doors open: 12:40 PM

School in Session:
Grades 1-4: 9:00 AM - 3:40 PM
Kindergarten AM: 9:00 AM - 11:55 AM
Kindergarten PM: 12:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Click here for 2-Hr Delay Hours.