From Our Principal Dr. Christopher Montagna

Welcome to Clay Elementary School!

Principal Chris Montagna, headshot

Clay Elementary School is one of four elementary schools in the Ephrata Area School District and has a student population of approximately 400 students. Although we are the second largest elementary school in the district, we pride ourselves in fostering a child-centered school where we continually strive to meet individual student needs and nurture the development of the “whole child.”

I am honored to have been selected as the principal of Clay Elementary in the summer of 2020. Since coming on board, I have been able to talk with our teachers, support staff, and parents. Through these conversations I have sensed a strong passion for what Clay Elementary means to this community. As principal my goal is to continuously improve the educational experience for all learners. I believe that all students are capable of great things and at Clay we will strive to meet the unique needs of each child, every day.

Our PTO is actively involved in numerous activities throughout the year and provides financial support for assemblies and special activities. We encourage all parents to come and be a part of their child’s education because together we can “prepare all students for tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities.”                     

Prior to coming to Ephrata Area School District, Dr. Montagna served as an assistant principal in the Manheim Central School District. Additionally, he was a Technology Instructional Coach and classroom teacher in the Avon Grove School District.

Dr. Montagna earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from Shippensburg University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Principal Certification from California University of Pennsylvania.


Contact Info

Clay Elementary School
250 Clay School Road,
Ephrata, PA 17522
Phone: (717) 721-1100
Fax: (717) 721-7082

School Hours

Doors open: 8:45 AM
PMK doors open: 12:40 PM

School in Session:
Grades 1-4: 9:00 AM - 3:40 PM
Kindergarten AM: 9:00 AM - 11:55 AM
Kindergarten PM: 12:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Click here for 2-Hr Delay Hours