College Planning

Ephrata students have been introduced to Naviance Family Connection beginning in 9th grade.  This program will be utilized for requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation as well as for the purposed of determining career interests, researching career options, colleges, and other post-secondary options.  Seniors will have individual transition meetings in mid September, where the process will be reviewed.  If a student has any questinos before their appointment, please stop by the Counsleing Office to meet with your counselor.

September 13, 2017 – Mountaineer Block – College information group meetings with your counselor.  While this is an optional Mountaineer Block activity, ALL seniors who are planning on applying to college need to be present.

Naviance Family Connection Video Assistance

  • Video:  Moving colleges from the “Colleges I’m Interested In” tab to “Colleges I’m Applying To” tab

EHS College Visit pre-approval form (PDF)
College Applications:  Information and Procedures – lots of great information for seniors as they work on college applications.

College Scorecard – this site provides clear, accessible, and reliable ational data on college costs, graduation rates, students debt, and post-college earnings.

Finding the “Right” College 

Search for the college that has exactly what you are looking for.

College Results
College Navigator

Custom college search based on YOUR criteria:  Type of institution, major, location, cost, size, just to name a few.

PA State Colleges

State System of Higher Education Universities – Provides information about PA’s 14 State Universities.

US News – College Rankings

This year’s top college rankings, as well as detailed school directory, interactive tools, a step-by-step college admissions guide, articles, and more!

College Tours

Take a virtual tour of your favorite campus…. While no substitute for a real life tour, this is a great source of visual information!

Big Future

College Boards college search page…. EXCELLENT – allows you to make school side by side comparisons.

PA Community Colleges

Pennsylvania Community Colleges – offering Associate Degrees, Transfer Programs, Diplomas and Certificate programs.

Career / Tech Schools 


What is a Career Tech School?  

Is it Right for Me?

What careers can I get with a CTE?

PA Career Schools

A guide to over 290 Pennsylvania Career schools

Getting Ready for College

College Prep

US Department of Education publication “It’s never too early to think about college”. Beginning the process.

Athletics and College

NCAA Info:

Online Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete 

Campus Champs

Specially geared web site to help a student-athlete needs to find a college, apply for admission, and get financial assistance

School Graduation Rates

Most recent graduation rates reported to NCAA