Dr. Troop and Dr. Hornberger observing two students in classroom

Ephrata Area School District was accepted into the League of Innovative Schools, a national coalition of forward-thinking K-12 school districts organized by Digital Promise, a global nonprofit working to expand opportunity for every learner by bringing together solutions across research, practice, and technology.

EASD was one of 28 districts selected from a national pool of applicants based on its educational leadership, demonstrated commitment to excellence, ins vision for learning, and key achievements.  The new 2022-23 cohort extends The League to more than 150 districts across 38 states and expands its cumulative impact to reach approximately 4.4 million students.


“It is nice to be included nationally in the conversation about educational innovation.  We are proud to be recognized by an organization like Digital Promise whose mission is to advocate and inspire instruction that supports competencies and learning targets beyond standardized tests,” shared EASD Superintendent Dr. Brian Troop.


Digital Promise was originally authorized by Congress in 2008 through the Higher Education Opportunity Act, signed into law by President George W. Bush, and officially launched by President Barack Obama in September 2011.  New districts are invited to participate every year.  While working with educators, researchers, technology leaders, and communities, the organization provides an environment to share and learn from best practices, leverage research to participate in continuous improvement models, collaborate with peers nationally to address education’s biggest challenges, and implement new technologies and innovations.


The League strives to build a collaborative of close-knit districts that work together on shared priorities to design, validate, champion, and scale effective, innovative learning opportunities to advance equity and excellence for every student.  The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on learning, but it has also emphasized the need to introduce innovative educational approaches to better meet students' needs,” said Dewayne J. McClary, Senior Director of Networks and Partnerships at Digital Promise.


More information on the League of Innovative schools is available at digitalpromise.org/league, including the 2022-23 cohort of school districts.