Bocce Bowl 2025

After earning silver medals in the 2024 Lancaster-Lebanon League playoffs, the Ephrata High School Unified Bocce Team enters its second year with strength and confidence which were on full-display during the second annual EASD Bocce Bowl. This year, EASD administrators accepted the challenge for another memorable match with the EHS Unified Bocce Team on Wednesday, February 5.

Unified Bocce teams are comprised of eight students, including those both with and without special education needs. Games are complete when a team scores 16 points or the designated time limit of 30 minutes has elapsed. When that happens, the current frame will be completed, and the team with the highest point total will be declared winner of that frame.

A final “Golden Frame” was needed to break the tie that occurred in Bocce Bowl 2025, which determined the students would again carry on their legacy of winning the annual event.

Ephrata Area School District implemented Unified Sports in 2019 with a Unified Track Team at Ephrata High School. EHS is one several schools in Lancaster County and over 10,000 schools across the United States who offer Special Olympics Unified Sports®. The inclusive program brings together students with and without disabilities on sports teams, while also fostering youth leadership, increasing the acceptance of people of all abilities, and reducing stigma and bullying.