From Our Principal Mr. Brett Esbenshade

Welcome to Highland Elementary School!

Mr. Brett Esbenshade

Welcome to Highland Elementary School! We want our students and families to feel and observe Highland Elementary School as being A CARING and RESPONSIVE COMMUNITY each and every day! Each year, Highland continues to grow its already established schoolwide positive behavior system to help promote and celebrate positive behavior, including Game Show Day and Highland Heroes.  Thank you so much for your partnership!

Mr. Brett Esbenshade became Principal of Highland Elementary School in October 2015. He had been the Principal of Park Elementary School in the Columbia Borough School District from July 2013 to October 2015. His teaching experience includes 4th Grade, Elementary Learning Support, Middle School Learning Support, and High School Learning Support. 

He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary and Special Education from Millersville University and a Master of Science Degree in Educational with a Principal Certification at Cabrini College.  

Highland Resources

Contact Info

Highland Elementary School
99 Highland Avenue,
Ephrata, PA 17522
Phone: (717) 721-1160
Fax: (717) 721-9060

School Hours

Doors open: 8:45 AM
PMK doors open: 12:40 PM

School in Session:
Grades 1-4: 9:00 AM - 3:40 PM
Kindergarten AM: 9:00 AM - 11:55 AM
Kindergarten PM: 12:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Click here for 2-Hr Delay Hours