Safe and Secure Learning Environment FAQs

Last updated 11.3.22

Q 1 – What happens when a report of bullying or mistreatment occurs?
A – Anytime there is a report of bullying or mistreatment, an immediate investigation begins. Each school has various ways to report bullying, but ultimately the principal or assistant principal will be the person leading the investigation. An interview with the victim occurs, and then the investigation begins. Once the investigation is concluded and discipline is warranted, the discipline is delivered as per the Student Code of Conduct. Parents/guardians are always contacted, and the discipline is logged. There are escalating consequences if the bullying continues to occur. Frequently, school counselors are involved throughout the process to provide support for the victim and facilitate restorative practice.

Q 2 – Can I get in trouble for making a report of bullying or mistreatment?
A – No. A student will not get in trouble for reporting if done truthfully and in good faith.

Q 3 – In what ways can I make a report of bullying or mistreatment?
A – There are a variety of ways to report bullying or mistreatment. The District has two anonymous tip lines: SAFE2SAY and TIP411. Both are available on our website on the Parents and Students pages. Additionally, any student can report bullying directly to an adult. Each building has anonymous reporting forms or a school counselor to whom students can report bullying. In grades 5-12, students can send their principal or teacher a Schoology message alerting them to possible bullying or mistreatment.

Q 4 – Can I make a report if I am not the victim?
A – Yes, anyone can report bullying if they see it or know it is occurring. Anonymous reporting platforms include SAFE2SAY and TIP411. Both are available on our website on the Parents and Students pages. A student can also alert an adult in the building, message a principal, go to the office to report, see a guidance counselor, or talk to their teacher. If the student or adult wants to remain anonymous, then it should be reported using SAFE2SAY or TIP411.

Q 5 – Who can I talk to if I feel like I have been bullied or mistreated?
A – The student’s teacher, principal, assistant principal, or guidance counselor is the most likely staff members to whom a student should report bullying or mistreatment. In reality, any student can report bullying to any adult in the building, and the adult will report the information to building administration to be investigated.

Q 6 – Can social media activity have consequences at school?
A – Yes, it can. Though much social media activity happens outside of school, the impacts of that activity are often felt in school. When issues created by social media spill into the school environment, school consequences can be applied. Each building has rules about using cell phones and social media in school. In grades K-8, social media should not be used in school. In grades 9-12, there are specific rules governing the time that cell phones can be used, but they must be used appropriately.

In cases where social media posts are presented to administration that show evidence of bullying or mistreatment during school hours, they will be investigated the same as any other bullying situation. When a social media post shows evidence of bullying or the mistreatment of students outside of school and it is brought to the attention of administration, it will be investigated. If it caused a clear disruption to the school environment and the investigation yields that bullying occurred, appropriate discipline will be given to the student. If the social media posts are delivered outside the school day, then administration will discuss options with the parents/guardians, which include getting police involved. The District School Resource Officer can serve as liaison between the student/parents/guardians and the police department.

Q 7 – Can social media activity have legal consequences outside of school?
A – Yes. If there is evidence of bullying or mistreatment on social media, then parents/guardians certainly have the right to pursue legal action. The District School Resource Officer can serve as the liaison between student/parent/guardian and the police department. Parents/guardians can always contact their local police department directly if they observe bullying that is happening outside of school.

Q 8 – If a person is being bullied outside of school can that be reported?
A – It can always be reported, and if the bullying leads to a disruption in school then there could be school consequences. If the student/parent/guardian of the victim wants police involvement, then the administration can have them work with the School Resource Officer. In all cases, parents/guardians will be contacted and notified of the reports of bullying. If school interventions are needed, a plan will be put in place to keep everyone safe.

Q 9 – Are there classroom lessons that occur to address bullying?
A – There are many lessons and activities to help students understand what bullying is, how words and actions can hurt other students, and that reports of bullying will always be investigated. In grades K-8, the District guidance counselors visit classrooms and deliver lessons about bullying and treating each other with kindness. At all grade levels, there are assemblies related to bullying and the importance of treating one another with respect and kindness.


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