Special Transportation
Bus stop change due to before/after school care
EASD is willing to provide transportation to a location other than the child’s home. However, parents must designate a consistent AM and PM location (see example on Special Transportation Request form). The AM and PM stop may be different but must remain in the same school attendance area. Any changes in transportation arrangements require the submission of the Special Request Transportation prior to the date of the requested change. All requests will be processed within 3 working days of receipt in the transportation office.
Bus stop change due to an address change
Please contact the District Office (717-721-1513) to schedule a time to complete an address change form. At this appointment a photo ID and a Proof of Residency document (ex: Mortgage statement, lease, housing contract, or current utility bill for services provided to property) will be required. This will then be directed to the transportation office for the change in bus stops and you will be notified regarding the changes. This takes 3 business days to process.
Bus passes
Students needing to ride another bus for emergency purposes must secure a “Bus Pass” from the office to be permitted to ride another bus or get on/off their bus at another stop. Parents need to provide prior written requests to the school to secure permission. If this emergency request involves another family, a note is required from both families. Otherwise, students will go home via their normally scheduled means of transportation.
These will only be given out in the event of an emergency with a written note from the parent/guardian. These will be processed through the transportation office.