Gifted Education
Our Vision
To develop a model gifted education program in the Lancaster-Lebanon area that is comprehensive, fluid, and flexible where lifelong-learning and intellectual pursuits are encouraged, supported, and valued.
Mission Statement
The mission of the EASD Gifted Education Program is to:
Ensure the multi-faceted nature of giftedness is addressed effectively for every student
Empower gifted students and their families with knowledge and choices that will maximize potential
Establish partnerships within the broader community that enhance both community life and student-centered objectives
Educate the school community about giftedness in order to remove barriers and promote understanding
Equip faculty with practical training, creative ideas, and flexible programming options for teaching gifted students
Engage in on-going research and exploration to ensure cutting-edge ideas and practices in gifted education

Contact Info
Grades K-5
Nicole Reppert
Grades 6-8
Adam Zeni
Grades 9-12
Mary Reimold