Title I School – Parent/Guardian – Student Compact
The EASD family which includes teachers, parents/guardians and students will join together to provide a cooperative learning environment that will enable every student to achieve his/her potential. Each member of this family has a responsibility to fulfill his part of the compact.
Treat each child with dignity and respect.
Strive to address the individual needs of the student.
Acknowledge that parents/guardians are vital to the success of child and school.
Provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment.
Assure every student access to quality learning experiences.
Assure that the school staff communicates clear expectations for performance to both students and parents/guardians.
Provide strategies to families to help their children at home.
Create a home atmosphere that supports learning.
Send the student to school on time, well-fed, and well-rested on a regular basis.
Monitor school assignments and give support where needed.
Attend school functions, conferences, volunteering and observing in their child’s classroom as
Collaborate with school team on decisions relating to their child’s education and extracurricular
Encourage their child to show respect for all members of the school community and school property.
Review all school communications and respond promptly.
Get to school on time every day.
Develop a positive attitude toward school.
Be responsible for completing homework on time.
Be cooperative by carrying out the teacher’s instructions and ask for help when needed.
Do daily work that is neat and reflects the student’s best effort.
Be respectful to all school members and to school property.
Revised 4.3.23