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Elizabeth Alban
Title I Aide - Akron Elementary
Akron Elementary School
Ashley Badie
Building Aide/Title I Aide - Akron Elementary School
Adam Bonagura
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Melissa Brinser
Special Education Paraeducator - High School
Dorene Byler
Music Teacher - Akron & Clay Elementary School
Renee Cammauf
Special Education Para Educator - Akron Elementary School
Holly Criniti
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Highland Elementary School
Alysa Diller
Speech & Language - Akron/Clay Elementary
Akron Elementary School
Annissa Emke
Building Aide - Akron Elementary
Akron Elementary School
Amanda Francis
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Madison Garrigan
Special Education Teacher - Akron & Highland Elementary School
Lisa Goeke
Title I Aide - Akron Elementary School
Lori Good
Library Media Aide - Akron Elementary School
Christina Hagen
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Lori Heim
Administrative Assistant to the Principal - Akron Elementary School
Angela Hershey
Art Teacher - Akron/Clay Elementary
Akron Elementary School
Meghan Hooper
Instruction & Engagement Coach - District-wide
Sheri Horner
Principal - Akron Elementary School
Miles Iati
School Psychologist - Akron & Highland Elementary School
Brittney Kauffman
Early Learning Representative - Districtwide
Clay Elementary School