EHS Career Planning
Work Force Investment Board News for Youth Workers
Career Acquisition:
Paid Work Experience (internships) – for 16-24 year- old. Variety of positions and opportunities available. Minimum pay is $10.35/hr.
Do you want to earn $600 and learn about 21st century careers? This program is for student aged 12-15.Flyer-Youth-Career-ProgramDownload
Boost your resume, close your skills gap, earn industry certifications with Metrix Learning, a catalog of over 5,000 high quality courses. Through our SkillUp Lancaster initiative, jobseekers, students and schools can use the expansive selection of high quality Skillsoft trainings. Tackle employability skills, diversity, Microsoft office, remote work, accounting, project management, leadership, management, customer service and more. We also have some specialized licenses through MedCom and Amatrol for students interested in Medical or Manufacturing careers (those are issued upon request). SkillUp Lancaster also offers over 130 Industry Credential skill tracks where you can take all the prep work and practice exams before you sit for a proctored exam for an industry credential. The only cost is for the test itself (scholarships available!!!).
Credential Attainment:
Ready2Work – free workforce preparation program for youth seeking to earn the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC®). Nationally recognized portable credential. Recommended for those seeking to go on Co-Op or enter the workforce directly after high school. 11th and 12th grades.
CompTia Fundamentals Certification in partnership with NuPaths. We have 5 scholarships remaining for HS Juniors or Seniors. The class meets live, virtual Thursday evenings and participants earn CompTIA Fundamentals certification. Enrolling now for April start. Contact Carissa Pinkard for more information.
Check out these new short-term trainings offered by Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (SkillUp Fast).
Framing Futures, a 6 week summer program to expose recent high school grads to a variety of construction trades. Enrolling now.
Online College & Career Resource / Information – Ephrata High School has a yearly account. | |
Sponsored by the US Dept of Labor – great website to: Find a career you like, get work experience, write a resume, get a job, get training, work for yourself, apply to college and find job search help. | |
GREAT RESOURCE!! Search out information about different careers including: nature of the work, working conditions, employment outlook, earnings, and much more. CHECK IT OUT!! | |
Information about the different branches of the military. | |
Lancaster County Career and Technology Center Homepage- Find everything you want to know about the five branch campuses. | |
This website has detailed descriptions of the world of work for thousands of occupations. Find out about tasks, skills, abilities, work activites/context, education required, work values, related occupations, job outlooks, and wage information. | |
This PHEAA website provides users with career planning information, preparing for school, as well as paying for school. |
Career Resource Center
The EHS Career Resource Center is an information center located in the guidance office that houses a large collection of books, files, and databases to assist students in exploring various career options. In addition, the center has information on colleges and technical schools through college catalogs, brochures, videos, databases, as well as the Internet. Students can use the CRC during study halls by obtaining a pass from the guidance secretary before school.
The CRC also coordinates college and employer visitations. Scheduled visitations are announced in the weekly Guidance Bulletin and posted in each homeroom as well as on the web.
Job Shadow
Pre-Approved Absence form (PDF) (this form needs to be completed at least two school days before the job shadow experience. It is only needed if a student will be missing school days for the experience.)
EHS Guidance Links
EHS Resources
Contact Info
Ephrata High School
803 Oak Boulevard,
Ephrata, PA 17522
Phone: (717) 721-1478
Fax: (717) 721-1129
School Hours
Doors open: 7:55 AM
School in Session: 8:10 AM - 3:00 PM