Financial Aid
Great Web Links
This is the location of all EHS Scholarships. Students use their EHS Username and PIN to login. Once signed in, click on the “Colleges” tab and scroll down to “Scholarships and Money” and click on “Scholarships List.” | |
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency – Great financial aid information and links | |
A government web site – Follow the road to education beyond high school – great informational source!! | |
A great site to guide you through the financial aid process with simple to understand descriptions of the different types of aid available. | |
Tips about the many scholarship shams out there, from the Better Business Bureau. | |
Information about paying for college, CSS Profile online (some colleges require this in addition to the FAFSA. | |
Search over 600,000 scholarships worth $1 billion, expert tips on the financial aid process. | |
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is required by every accredited school in the country. It must be filled out to receive any government aid. | |
Begin exploring your financial aid options – specifically designed for high school juniors and their families. You can receive an early estimate of eligibility for federal student aid, as well as instantly calculate an estimated EFC (expected Family Contribution). | |
Saving for college calculator – see how much you’ll need for the college of your dreams. | |
Great website that describes the the financial aid process, step by step. |
Information for Scholarship Sponsors can be found here.
Ephrata High School Financial Aid Presentations
FAFSA Completion Night will be held Wednesday, January 24th 2024 at 5:00 PM in the EHS Cafeteria. Hosted by EHS Counseling and Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA).
Other help for completing the FAFSA can be found at:
Application will open to 12th Grade Graduating Seniors February 1st.
Please visit and click on Scholarship Application to apply. Be sure to submit additional documentation required by ENB, including transcripts and Student Aid Report (SAR) from the 1st page of the FAFSA by the deadline of MARCH 31, 2024.
Brossman Scholarship
Award Amount: | $3,000 per year – up to four years |
Criteria: | Attend college or post-secondary school, 2.5 GPA. |
J. Harry Hibshman Scholarship
Award Amount: | $5,000 per year – up to four years |
Criteria: | Attend college or post-secondary school, must have resided in the Ephrata School District 1 year. |
Gertrude and Clarence Mellinger Scholarship
Award Amount: | $1,250 per year – up to four years |
Criteria: | Rank in the top 10% of class, attend 4-year college or 3-year nursing school, must have resided in the Ephrata School District 3 years. |
Wolf Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: | $500 per year – up to four years |
Criteria: | Attend college or post-secondary school, must be a resident of Ephrata Borough or Ephrata Township. |
Application Information
Online application at is available 2/1/2024 – 3/31/2024.
Each application must include a copy of the student’s FAFSA Submission Summary report page (from FAFSA) containing the Student Aid Index (SAI) score, and an unofficial high school transcript (current copy).
Your Highest SAT/ACT score is a component of your ENB total score; please make sure your scores are posted on your transcript. You may also attach your SAT/ACT scores on the website. See your counselor if you have questions.
Applicants, who do not feel comfortable uploading these documents online, are welcome to mail them to or drop them off at the Ephrata National Bank, Money Management Group, 47 E. Main Street, PO Box 238, Ephrata, PA 17522.
Applicants are advised to determine the definite number of years they plan to attend college. No additional consideration will be given to any student who applies for a two-year scholarship and later decides to pursue a four-year course of study.
If you have any questions please contact the Ephrata National Bank, Money Management Group, at 717-733-6576.
Hibshman Interviews
Applicants are required to sign up online using SignUpGenius (link on Schoology) for their interview date and time. Interview sign-ups will begin during the first week of April.
Interviews will be held the end of April (specific dates TBD)
CTC students: Please see Mrs. Ditzler in the Guidance Office to schedule your interview.
AP Students: It is your responsibility to review the AP testing schedule and select an interview time that DOES NOT conflict with your AP test(s).
EHS FAFSA Completion Night
The Ephrata High School Counseling Department will offer a “FAFSA Completion Night” in conjunction with PHEAA, to senior parents completing the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA Night will be held January 24th 2024 at 5:00pm. Sign-up is required for this event.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid

EHS Guidance Links
EHS Resources
Contact Info
Ephrata High School
803 Oak Boulevard,
Ephrata, PA 17522
Phone: (717) 721-1478
Fax: (717) 721-1129
School Hours
Doors open: 7:55 AM
School in Session: 8:10 AM - 3:00 PM