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Michelle Bock
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Jennifer Bollinger
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Adam Bonagura
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Melinda Boyd
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary
Jaclyn Boyte
Building Aide - Fulton Elementary School
Indra Bradley
Science Teacher - Middle School
Lauren Brahl
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Marion Brenner
Science Teacher - High School
Daniel Brice
Custodian - Middle School
Allison Bricker
Music Teacher - Clay & Highland Elementary School
Nicole Bridgen
School Counselor - High School
Eric Bright
Custodian - High School
Lisa Brimhall
Social Studies Teacher - High School
Melissa Brinser
Title I Aide - Akron Elementary School
Jessica Britton
Food Services - High School
Richard Bromirski III
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Michael Brosig
Math Teacher - Middle School
Kelly Brosig
English Teacher - High School
Jason Buck
Math Teacher - High School
Jennifer Burd
Building Aide - Clay Elementary School