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Cathy Ober
Health Room Nurse - High School
Jessica O'Donnell
Music Teacher - Intermediate & Elementary Schools
Michael O'Donnell
Social Studies Teacher - High School
Charles Ohline
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Kristie Ohlinger
Music Teacher - Middle School
Alyssa Olson
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Emily Osborne
Speech & Language - Akron & Clay Elementary School
Melissa Ovrut
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary School
Matthew Pawlikowski
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Christa Pearson
Elementary Teacher - Clay Elementary School
Tina Peoples
Administrative Assistant to the Principal - High School
Michelle Perry
Elementary Literacy and Early Childhood Coordinator - District-wide
Amanda Petersen
Speech & Language - Highland & Akron Elementary School
Kelly Petersheim
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary School
Clay Elementary School
Tessa Petri
Science Teacher - High School
Krista Petty
Certified School Nurse - Fulton & Highland Elementary School
Howard Pfautz
Custodian - High School
Anna Pfautz
Custodian - Highland Elementary School
Brianna Plonk
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary
Jillian Poole
School Counselor - Fulton Elementary School