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Melissa Mortimer
Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director - High School
Charisma Mottershead
Special Education Para Educator - Middle School
Ephrata Middle School
Alane Mowbray
School Counselor - Middle School
Matthew Moyer
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Michael Muhr
School Counselor - Intermediate School
Amber Muncy
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary School
Nancy Murphy
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Marie Muscarelli
Special Education Para Educator - Highland Elementary School
Highland Elementary School
Michele Myers
Business Education - Internship Education Teacher - High School
Nicole Myers
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary School
Maggie Myers
English Teacher - Middle School
Amanda Nace
World Language Teacher - High School
Jenna Nagy
World Language Teacher - Middle & High School
Beth Needelman
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Lori Neu
Custodian - Middle School
Richard Ney
Music Teacher - High, Middle & Intermediate School
Joe Ngo
Custodian - Fulton Elementary School
Cuong Ngo
Custodian - High School
Jackie Nolt
English Teacher - High School
Carol Nolt
Health Room Nurse - Highland Elementary School