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Kathleen Miller
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Sarah Miller
Special Education Teacher - Clay Elementary
Clay Elementary School
Kyle Miller
Itinerant School Counselor - District-wide
Amanda Miller
Special Education Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Jonathan Miller
Tech Ed Teacher - Middle & Intermediate School
Penn Miller
English Teacher - High School
Stephanie Miller
Certified School Nurse - High School
Maria Miller
English Teacher - Middle School
Jamie Miller
Building Aide - Intermediate/Middle School
Ephrata Intermediate School
Kristopher Miller
Dean of Student Success - High & Middle School
Sandra Milligan
Art Teacher - Middle & Intermediate School
Laura Mitchley
Instruction & Engagement Coach - District-wide
Akron Elementary School
Amy Mohler
Building Aide - Clay Elementary
Emily Mohr
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Marilyn Molchany
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Michael Molchany
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Jean Mollica
Speech & Language - Intermediate School
Christopher Montagna
Principal - Clay Elementary School
Christina Morgan
Title I Aide - Highland Elementary School
Emily Morrison
Library Media Aide - Middle School