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Kathleen McBrearty
Special Education Para Educator - Akron Elementary School
Steven McCabe
Health & Physical Education Teacher - Middle & Intermediate School
Brian McClellan
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Timothy McCormick
Director of Technology - District Office
Joshua McCracken
Principal - Fulton Elementary School
Lisa McEllhenney
Head Custodian - Akron Elementary School
Paul McFarland
Social Studies Teacher - High School
Kelly McKivigan
Special Education Consultant - Districtwide
Akron Elementary School
Kierstin McQuate
Special Education Teacher - Middle & Intermediate School
Sarah Meck
Science Teacher - High School
Wendolen Mellinger
Social Studies Teacher - High School
Doreen Mellinger
Head Custodian - Clay Elementary School
Daina Mendenhall
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Isabella Merced
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Samantha Merkey
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Brittany Merklinger
Food Service - Middle School
Ephrata Middle School
Geneva Mertz
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Joshua Miller
World Language Teacher - High & Middle School
Kristi Miller
Math Teacher - High School
Kathleen Miller
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School