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Kellie Ludwig
English Teacher - High School
Jill Ludwig
Food Service - Akron Elementary School
Jennifer Lugar
Home & School Visitor - Middle & Intermediate School
Mallorie Maddock
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary
Clay Elementary School
Christopher Madea
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Carrie Maharg
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Laura Mandell
Instruction & Engagement Coach - District-wide
Clay Elementary School
Kendra March
Itinerant Autistic Support Teacher - Intermediate/Middle School
Deborah Marks
Media Center Secretary - High School
Molly Marquardt
Special Education Teacher - High School
Tracey Marter
Accounts Payable Specialist - District Office
Eric Martin
Math Teacher - Middle School
Jill Martin
Title I Aide - Clay Elementary School
Carissa Martin
Elementary Teacher - Clay Elementary School
Christopher Martin
Math Teacher - High School
Bret Marzock
Math Teacher - High School
Rebecca Masleh
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Sarah May
World Language - ESL Teacher - High School
Cecelia Maye-McCabe
Head Custodian - Fulton Elementary School
Joanna Mays
Special Education Teacher - High School