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Leslie Kunkle
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary School
Heidi Kuska
Certified School Nurse - Department Supervisor - Middle & Intermediate School
Patrice Laboranti
Special Education Teacher - High School
Steven Lauer
School Counselor - Clay Elementary School
Ann Lavelle
Home & School Visitor - Elementary Level
Gabrielle Leamer
Special Education Teacher - Intermediate School
Becky Leasure
Food Service - High School
Jody Lehman
Social Studies Teacher - Middle School
Ashley Lewis
Elementary Teacher - Clay Elementary School
Kelley Lindberg
Food Service - Middle School
Rebecca Littlejohn
Cafeteria Manager - Clay Elementary School
Logan Livingood
Custodian - Clay Elementary
Dennis Logue
Technology Specialist - District Office
Hannah Lombardo-Smith
School Psychologist - Elementary & Intermediate School
Deana Long
Food Service - Clay Elementary
Benjamin Long
Instruction & Engagement Coach - District-wide
Clay Elementary School
Stacy Longstaff
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Gregory Lopiccolo
Business Education Teacher - High School
Sarita Lucas
Title I Aide - Fulton Elementary School
Morgan Luckenbill
Intervention Specialist - Fulton Elementary School