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Rachelle Kaucher
Supervisor of Student Support Services - High School
Ephrata High School
Alycia Kauffman
Elementary Teacher - Clay Elementary School
Brittney Kauffman
Early Learning Representative - Districtwide
Clay Elementary School
Lauren Kaufman
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Emilie Keener
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Andrew Keener
Health & Physical Education Teacher - Clay & Fulton Elementary School
Patricia Keiser
Library Media Aide - High School
Amanda Kelleher
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Douglas Kellogg
Science Teacher - High School
Selfanus Kharuxab
Custodian - High School
Peter Kishpaugh
Principal - Middle School
James Kline
Maintenance - District-Wide
Vanessa Klinger
Food Service - Middle School
Debra Klopp
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Erin Kneasel
Food Service - High School
Amy Knox
Food Service - Fulton Elementary School
Nellie Kope
Custodian - Akron Elementary School
Erica Kopp
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Jessica Kostival Szor
Music Teacher - Intermediate, Highland & Akron Elementary School
Tania Kreider
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School