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Sheri Horner
Principal - Akron Elementary School
Tyler Horst
Special Education Teacher - High School
Ryan Hough
Science Teacher - Middle School
Krista Hubbard
Title I Aide - Akron Elementary School
Samantha Hull
Library Media Specialist - Department Supervisor - High School
Alexis Hurrell
Special Education Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Miles Iati
School Psychologist - Akron & Highland Elementary School
Thomas Irwin
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Regina Jarvis
Intervention Specialist - Intermediate School
Chrystal Jean
ESL Teacher - Intermediate & Middle School
Brittany Jefferson
High School - Assistant Principal
Michael Jennings
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Lehann Joerger
Elementary Teacher - Clay Elementary School
Samantha Johnson
Library Media Specialist - Fulton & Highland Elementary School
Austin Jones
Special Education Teacher - Middle School
Sandra Jones
Special Education Paraeducator - Middle School
Ephrata Middle School
Cynthia Jones
Social Studies Teacher - Middle School
Laura Jordan
Assistant Coordinator of Student Support Services - District Office
Sara Judge
School Psychologist - Middle School
Ephrata Middle School
Brent Kametz
ESL Teacher - High School & Akron Elementary School
Ephrata High School