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Lori Heim
Administrative Assistant to the Principal - Akron Elementary School
Matthew Herbener
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Trevor Hershey
Art Teacher - High School
Shawn Hertzog
Custodian - Intermediate School
Jami Hess
Special Education Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Halle Hess
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
David Hess
Custodian - Middle School
Heather Hibshman
Administrative Assistant to the Principal - Highland Elementary School
Heather Hibshman
Special Education Teacher - High School
Alison Higgins
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Lois High
Food Service - Fulton Elementary School
Timothy Hoffman
Technology Specialist - District Office
Richard Hollenbaugh
Maintenance - District-Wide
Meghan Hooper
Instruction & Engagement Coach - District-wide
Mary Ellen Hoover
Food Service - Clay Elementary School
Amy Hoover
Special Education Para Educator - Fulton Elementary School
Ashley Hopkin
Social Studies Teacher - High School
Dawn Hopkins
Food Service - High School
Richard Hornberger
Assistant Superintendent - Secondary - District Office
Laura Horner
Social Studies Teacher - Middle School