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Angela Graybill
English Teacher - High School
Stephanie Greaves
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Gary Greene
Food Services - High School
Nancy Green-Montijo
Special Education Para Educator - Intermediate School
Kyle Greenwood
Library Media Specialist - Akron & Clay Elementary School
Bryan Grindrod
Technology Specialist - District Office
Kristin Groome-Rex
Art Teacher - Intermediate & Middle School
Amber Gueits
Special Education Para Educator - Intermediate & Middle School
Christina Hagen
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Larry Hagen
Social Studies Teacher - Department Supervisor - High School
Melissa Hallenbeck
Special Education Teacher - Clay Elementary School
Susan Halsey
Intervention Specialist - Clay Elementary School
Valerie Hancik
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Jill Harding
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Sonya Hartman
Special Education Para Educator - Clay Elementary
Lori Hatt
Student Support Services Secretary - District Office
Joshua Haupt
Science Teacher - Department Supervisor - Middle School
Perry Haws
Custodian - High School
Sheri Heagy
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Ronda Hehnly
Food Service - Clay Elementary School