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Kurtis Rineer
Speech & Language - Highland & Middle Elementary School
Amy Rios
English Teacher - Middle School
June Risser
Food Service - Middle School
Erica Ritter
Food Service - Highland Elementary School
Donna Rivera
Special Education Para Educator - Middle School
Angelique Rodriguez
Special Education Para Educator - Akron Elementary School
Amy Rohrbaugh
Intervention Specialist - Akron Elementary School
Melissa Roos
Attendance Secretary - Intermediate School
Erika Rosado
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Fulton Elementary School
Benjamin Rossman
Student Technician Coordinator - High School
Emily Rossman
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Sharon Roth
Payroll Specialist - District Office
Suzanna Rouse
Special Education Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Michael Rouse
School Counselor - High School
Kristen Rubeck
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Shannon Rudy
Intermediate School Teacher - Intermediate School
Stacie Ryan
Special Education Para Educator - High School
Ephrata High School
Marvin Sanders
Director of Athletics, Student Activities and Facilities - High School
Ephrata High School
Lynette Sauder
Library Media Aide - Fulton Elementary School
Matthew Schade
English Teacher - High School