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Cynthia Schillaci
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Donna Schlinkman
Administrative Assistant to the Principal - Middle School
Kimberly Schoenadel
Food Services - High School
Matthew Schuck
Assistant Principal - Middle School
Amy Segura
Science Teacher - Middle School
Dawn Seibel
Special Education Para Educator - Intermediate/Middle School
Kristen Selzer
Elementary Teacher - Akron Elementary School
Pammy Sensenig
Central Enrollment - Child Accounting - District Office
Sharon Sensenig
Business Office Administrative Assistant - District Office
Alyssa Serianni
Special Education Teacher - Clay Elementary School
Lindsay Sessions
Database Support Specialist - District Office
Amanda Shafer
Special Education Para Educator - Akron Elementary School
Theresa Shahan
ESL Teacher - Clay & Highland Elementary School
Jessica Shalter
Guidance - Health Secretary - Middle School
Alexis Sheaffer
Elementary Teacher - Fulton Elementary School
Adrian Shelley
Elementary Teacher - Highland Elementary School
Todd Shertzer
Custodian - Highland /Clay Elementary School
Taylor Shields
Health & Physical Education Teacher - Clay & Highland Elementary School
Mandy Shonsky
Building Aide - Highland Elementary School
Joshua Shortuse
Science Teacher - High School